Ep. 861 Don’t Believe The Michael Cohen Media Hype
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In this episode I address the Michael Cohen plea deal. The deal is clearly a desperation move by Bob Mueller’s political witch hunt team. I also discuss the interconnected web of players working to hide the scandal of the century.
News Picks:
- What is Donald Trump’s former lawyer up to with the Mueller team?
- In this viral speech I succinctly address the scheme to pull off the spying scandal of the century.
- Who is leaking this critical information from the Special Counsel probe?
- This Lee Smith piece from March describes the Mueller witch hunt perfectly.
- The Obama Administration used pepper spray and tear gas liberally at the border.
- The Trump economy is performing significantly better than the Obama economy. These numbers don’t lie.
- Jeff Flake is a disgrace to the Republican Party.
- Florida Democrats are trying to change gun laws.
Photos by Getty Images