Soros Used USAID to Fund Color Revolutions Everywhere

Earlier this month I wrote an article exposing how George Sorosâ fingerprints were all over USAID.
In it, I explained how Soros has successfully gotten aid disbursements tied to the recipients adopting a host of cartoonish far-left views, how USAID documents from the 1990s show that Soros paid to train âprogressionsâ in various Eastern European countries to be his propagandists, how it aided his decades-long meddling in Ukraine, and much, much more.
Dan and I discussed it on his show - give it a watch below:
Another example I gave in the article was from the tiny (population: 1.8 million) Balkan nation of North Macedonia (previously Macedonia), where the involvement of Soros and his USAID-bolstered activities included publishing a translated version of Saul Alinskyâs infamous book âRules for Radicalsâ and having it distributed.
After speaking with a number of activists and politicians from there in recent weeks, it turns out Sorosâ influence there is so much more than I ever couldâve even imagined. Even the name change from Macedonia to North Macedonia in 2019 was something Soros had a role in, as it was required for Greece to support them joining NATO (and eventually the European Union). The name change was so unpopular that the Soros-funded Institute for Democracy commissioned bogus polls claiming that only 33% opposed the name change, but when a referendum was held on it, most protested it so the vote wouldnât reach the 50% turnout requirement needed for it to be a valid referendum. Regardless, the will of the people was irrelevant, and the name change still happened.
But first, some background info.
Soros has been active in Macedonia since its independence, setting up Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM) in 1992. Iâll opt to use Macedonia instead of âNorth Macedoniaâ in this article on the basis that most citizens there opposed the name change.
As is standard, FOSM was exclusively staffed with leftist activists, this variety from what the supposedly âreformistâ wing of the Communist Party. These sorts were nicknamed the "children of 1968" (named after student protests in Belgrade), and were often children of prominent Communist Party members who got to live abroad, artistic types, people who advocated modernization of the way in which the totalitarian parties operated, but maintaining their total hold over power. In other words, theyâre just like the kind of student activists we see in our college campuses in America.
The âreformistâ label was just windowdressing, and Soros, in coordination with USAID, was able to bolster their movement.
With the help of USAID often implemented hand and hand with Soros projects, FOSM was able to set up the first privately owned media outlets in Macedonia, giving space to voices from their faction of the former Communist Party (now rebranded into the SDSM - Social-Democrat Party of Macedonia) and quickly set up about 80 organizations covering various walks of life - institutes for analyzing corruption, economic think tanks, associations of journalists and media freedom groups, a group that promotes abortions, drug and prostitution legalization that partners with Planned Parenthood and promotes the alphabet agenda (LGBTQ+ issues).
These media groups were weaponized against the right-wing nationalist âInternal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization â Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unityâ (VMRO-DPMNE party), which today is in the governing coalition.
VMRO was the original pro-Western option in Macedonia, and supported them joining the European Union - but did reject making concessions on historic issues, including changing their name. Their neighbors, first Greece and then Bulgaria, abused their position in the EU (and previously NATO) to veto their membership until Macedonia accepted their demands. Leftists in the EU and SDSM have incorrectly categorized VMRO as anti-EU for opposing their concessions to join the EU.
In 2015 the SDSM and Soros (with the help of USAID) funded groups to start a Color Revolution to overthrow VMRO-DPMNE, which held power since 2006 - as Soros has gone in Ukraine and many other countries. This resulted in mass protests breaking out in 2016, and diplomats working for the Obama administration lent their support to these protests.
The protests led to elections in 2017 there, to the chagrin of Soros and company, VMRO-DPMNE still won the most seats as the party leader campaigned on âfight for the de-Soros-isation of the country.â To prevent him from forming a coalition, there was instead a pressure campaign against Albanian parties to form a coalition with them so theyâd join SDSM instead.
This is when the SDSM led government approved a number of historic concessions toward Greece and Bulgaria which were blocking Macedonia's NATO membership and its first steps toward EU membership. As mentioned prior, the Macedonian people had rejected this name change, hence why Soros had to force it.
To the chagrin of the Soros empire, VMRO-DPMNE would later regain power in 2024.
The Migrant Crisis
As Soros funds NGOs to help illegal aliens and migrants pour over the U.S. border, no country is too small for him to see worthy of invasion. During the 2015-2016 migrant crisis in Europe, Macedonia was a hot spot. The far left Government of Greece was shipping migrants who landed on its islands from Turkey to its mainland, and would then take them by train to the border with Macedonia.
In 2015 alone, 600,000 migrants were at that camp at some point or another. In the middle of that year, Macedonia declared a state of emergency at its borders, and, with Serbia, allowed migrants to register âintent to seek asylumâ which would give them a 72-hour temporary permit to be in the country - creating a semi-legal status that would only create further problems down the road.
The whole time, Soros was behind the scenes setting the stage for more mass migration in and throughout the country.
USAID funded programs through grants awarded to left wing activists groups. One of them, called the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, received about $370,000 in 2016 to "protect the human rights of migrants and refugees and meet the needs of the most vulnerable groups among them". The funds were used to assist the migrants logistically, by helping them fill in the little paperwork countries along the route required, and also to push the countries to modify asylum regulations to make them apply not to individual vetted cases but to a literal mass of humanity. The same organization was already implementing a $600,000 USAID program for "defending human rights" when the crisis started. Leaks of Soros emails showed that he and his office were in constant communication with activists in Macedonia to make sure that the legal and logistical needs to keep the flow of the migrants are met.
In a staged PR move, an activist named Jasmina Golubovska working for the Soros-linked Legis, another organization facilitating the movement of migrants, was portrayed as the face of the Colored Revolution after she applied her lipstick on a policeman's shield - a move that was afterwards copied in similar USAID supported colored revolutions across the world.
Legis and Macedonian Young Lawyers Associated partnered with the OSFM in responding to (and fueled) the migrant crisis, according to a OSFM document celebrating 25 years in operation.
Legis received USAID funding for some of its projects, and they were hardly the only Soros-backed group to get in on the action.
The Soros Army
Unlike in America, where they want some plausible deniability, Macedoniaâs Soros-backed activists brag about it.
In America Sorosâ lackeys will call you a conspiracy theorist - in Macedonia, they call themselves the Soros army.
But with the open support from the U.S. administration and the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, the protesters not only did not feel the need to disguise their activities, but instead they embraced the allegation. That is how we got to the images of USAID funded far left protesters wearing T-shirts with the logo "Soros Army".
The fact that USAID directly gave millions of dollars to the OSFM caused outrage in the country, considering the reputation of this organization for staging violent protests and conducting regime change operations. Conservative media and activists would call out the embassy and the individual organizations about this interference in Macedonia's internal politics. Conservative activists adopted the term "Sorosoidi" - Sorosoids - to describe his organized leftist activists.
And no, they arenât being ironic. The person throwing projectiles below is Pavle Bogojevski, an LGBT rights activist for the Helsinki Committee of Macedonia - an organization that has received a $300,000 USAID grant for its "LGBT inclusion project" who was later elected as member of Parliament for the SDSM party. (His career was cut short when a taxi driver who was not a fan of SDSM recorded him during the drive as he was ordering cocaine). Borjan Jovanovski, a journalist lavishly funded by USAID for his Nova media project and for the Kontravesti news program that was meant to be the Weekend Update adapted for the Colored Revolution in Macedonia needs, would also post pictures of himself with the same shirt: And at the end of his show, a USAID logo is brazenly displayed. Soros would love for you to think this is all one big conspiracy, but once again, he canât explain his way out of this one.... though I'm sure he'll try.
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