Deranged House Democrats Plan to Impeach Trump Again

Here we go again.
On Monday, House Democrats told the Supreme Court that they need secret grand jury material from the Mueller investigation, in order to determine whether to impeach President Trump again.
For months, the House Judiciary Committee has been trying to get the witness materials, which have been held by the DOJ. The case is now in front of the Supreme Court, where the DOJ has asked them to block the materials’ release, since “their secrecy will irrevocably be lost.”
The committee’s general counsel, Douglas Letter, wrote in a court filing that “the Committee’s impeachment investigation related to obstruction of justice pertaining to the Russia investigation is ongoing.”
Letter continued, “If this material reveals new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles adopted by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment.”
And after that fails, how long until they push for impeachment 3.0?