March 29, 2018: Ep. 687 Another Bombshell Revelation
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In this episode I discuss the real reason behind our massive trade deficits and how to rebalance our economy. I also address the cultural impact Hollywood is having on America and why the relaunch of the Roseanne show was significant. Finally, I address the liberal’s two-front attack on Democracy.
Show Notes:
- Another bombshell revelation about White House coordination in the spying operation on the Trump team.
- This article should be posted in the office of every lawmaker considering an attack on the Second Amendment.
- The mainstream media caught lying about the census citizenship question.
- Maryland is moving towards automatic voter registration.
- Jeff Sessions’ DOJ makes another strong move.
- Hollywood is doing some “soul searching” after the successful relaunch of “Roseanne.”
- Liberal judges say, Tear down that cross!
Photos by Getty Images