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Evita Duffy-Alfonso

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Of Course: MSNBC Guest Argues Democrats Should Win Elections by Abolishing Voter Registration Laws

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  • Source: Silverloch
  • 03/25/2025
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MSNBC just keeps getting crazier. 

Conservatives have long accused Democrats of opposing voter ID laws because they want to help fuel voter fraud. The liberal argument that voter ID disenfranchises voters never made any sense, because it’s practically impossible to live in the world today without one. Someone with no photo ID can’t open a bank account, apply for social security, buy alcohol or tobacco, rent a car, check in to a hotel, and much more. 

Most relevant, we’re to believe that it’s the poor who don’t have photo IDs. But a photo ID is needed to apply for food stamps or welfare. We’re supposed to believe that there are poor people foregoing thousands of dollars in annual benefits because they can’t be bothered to get a photo ID? What investment could have a higher ROI for them?

On MSNBC, they’re now saying the quiet part out loud, going beyond just calling for no voter ID, and calling for abolishing voter registration altogether. 

As LifeZette reported

Elie Mystal, justice correspondent for The Nation, argued during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that all voter registration laws in the United States should be abolished. Mystal claimed that once an individual meets eligibility standards, such as age, they should be allowed to vote without having to register.

He argued that the practice of voter registration carries racial and anti-immigrant implications and hinders Democratic voter turnout.

“We could eliminate all voter registration laws. You see, when Democrats get in charge we try to protect voting rights. We don’t make voting easier,” Mystal said. “Now I’m all for voter eligibility requirements, we might disagree with what those requirements should be. But let’s say that there should be an age limit to vote, I might say 16, you might say 18, but I’m not gonna say 8. So we’re gonna agree that there should be voter eligibility requirements, but once you’re eligible, why do you have to preregister? Why is that even a thing?”

He argued that voter registration is racist because it did not exist at the country’s founding and suggested it developed post-Civil War as a response to the migration of freed African Americans.The free African Americans in question overwhelmingly voted Republican.

Higher voter turnout actually would’ve helped Donald Trump in the 2024 election, as non-likely voters support Trump by double digit margins. A new analysis from the Democrat Party-linked research firm Blue Rose Research found that Trump would’ve won by 4.8 points, or nearly three times as much as the official results, had everyone turned out to vote. (Had 2024 had 2022 levels of turnout, their model says Haris would’ve led the popular vote by 0.6%, though that almost certainly still would’ve resulted in a Trump electoral victory).


This also blows out of the water any claims from liberals that “voter suppression” causes them to lose elections. That can’t possibly be the case when they’d lose by even more with 100% turnout. 

So if that’s the case, why would Democrats want to get rid of restrictions on voting?

The only answer can be fraud.


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Early Edition

Evita Duffy-Alfonso

The Nightly Scroll

Hayley Caronia