Democrat Research Firm: Trump Would’ve Crushed Harris by Even More With 100% Voter Turnout
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Donald Trump’s historic victory in November would’ve been an even bigger blowout had everyone voted, a new analysis from the Democrat Party-linked research firm Blue Rose Research has found.
While almost all polls are of likely voters (for obvious reasons), polls of non-likely voters constantly showed Trump leading that demographic by double digits, sometimes +20 or higher. In other words, it’s a guarantee that whatever amount Trump won by actually understated his true popularity.
Blue Rose Research calculated that Trump would’ve won by 4.8 points, or nearly three times as much as the official results, had everyone turned out to vote. (Had 2024 had 2022 levels of turnout, their model says Haris would’ve led the popular vote by 0.6%, though that likely still would’ve resulted in a Trump electoral victory).
This also blows out of the water any claims from liberals that “voter suppression” causes them to lose elections. That can’t possibly be the case when they’d lose by even more with 100% turnout.
Their data showed that people who used TikTok and Twitter had the biggest swings to the right from 2020, while those who watch legacy media had the lowest.
While almost all polls are of likely voters (for obvious reasons), polls of non-likely voters constantly showed Trump leading that demographic by double digits, sometimes +20 or higher. In other words, it’s a guarantee that whatever amount Trump won by actually understated his true popularity.
Blue Rose Research calculated that Trump would’ve won by 4.8 points, or nearly three times as much as the official results, had everyone turned out to vote. (Had 2024 had 2022 levels of turnout, their model says Haris would’ve led the popular vote by 0.6%, though that likely still would’ve resulted in a Trump electoral victory).
This also blows out of the water any claims from liberals that “voter suppression” causes them to lose elections. That can’t possibly be the case when they’d lose by even more with 100% turnout.
Their data showed that people who used TikTok and Twitter had the biggest swings to the right from 2020, while those who watch legacy media had the lowest.
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