Pro-Defund the Police Congresswoman Carjacked in Philadelphia

Representative Mary Gay Scanlon, who sponsored a “defund the police” bill, was carjacked yesterday in Philadelphia in broad daylight, making her just the latest victim of the city’s crime wave.
According to The Post Millennial:
Scanlon, who represents Pennsylvania’s 5th district, was carjacked and robbed at gunpoint in South Philadelphia in broad daylight. Scanlon, alongside other elected officials, had met to discuss concerns regarding development plans for FDR Park. She reportedly was accompanied by another member of her staff, but the two drove separately, Lauren Cox, spokesperson for Scanlon told The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Scanlon walked back to her car alone on the 1900 block of Pattison Avenue when she was approached by two armed men at around 2:45 pm. Cox said that the two men demanded she hand her car keys and personal belongings over.
According to The Inquirer: “Scanlon handed over her belongings — including personal cell phone, federal government cell phone and personal ID — and the two men drove away in her 2017 Acura MDX.”
“She’s physically OK, but her vehicle and possessions are gone,” Cox told The Inquirer.
Scanlon sponsored the Mental Health Justice Act, which advocated to replace first responders with mental health experts. 125 Democrats sponsored the bill.
The day prior, Tuesday night, Illinois state senator Kimberly Lightford was carjacked in Chicago. She proposed cutting $80 million from the Chicago PD’s budget last year.
Unfortunately, in neither case were social workers able to respond in time to prevent the crimes.
As I documented in my new book The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, Philadelphia’s district attorney Larry Krasner deserves most of the blame for the city’s crime wave.
Soros pumped nearly $1.5 million into backing Larry Krasner in the Democrat primary for the Philadelphia district attorney election, which Krasner won. He campaigned on “social reform” and reducing the prison population. Chants of “f*** the police” could be heard at his victory party.
As a lawyer in Philadelphia, Krasner sued the police department seventy-five times (representing groups including Occupy Philadelphia and Black Lives Matter) and called law enforcement “systemically racist.”
Philadelphia has an accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD) program, a pretrial program for some first-time offenders that allows them to get off with a lighter probationary sentence. In the year before Krasner’s election, only twelve cases qualified for diversion. During his first year in office, seventy-eight were referred to ARD.
One such case involved a man charged with carrying a concealed gun in what was his first arrest in June. He qualified for ARD and was given two years of probation. In the following March of 2019, he was arrested again on gun-possession charges, released from jail after the judge granted a defense motion for unsecured bail, and then by June, a full year after his first arrest, he was charged with murder.
Oddly, these sort of “weak on crime” leftists will support every gun control measure in the book against law-abiding gun owners, but think exceptions are worth making when it comes to enforcing the law for criminals.
Krasner ordered assistant district attorneys to request cash bail less often, and to provide a “cost analysis” of incarceration when making sentencing recommendations. He fired veteran prosecutors and replaced them with inexperienced lawyers who share his ideology. U.S. Attorney William McSwain observed that Krasner “is not even pretending to be a prosecutor. He calls himself a public defender with power. It’s almost like letting a fox into the hen house. Once he’s in, he’s trying to cause as much havoc as possible.”
The numbers tell the same story; Krasner has dropped charges on over 60 percent of shooting cases and 37 percent of illegal firearms cases in the two years after taking office. Not coincidentally, shootings and homicides have spiked since then. In 2020, Philadelphia prosecuted the lowest number of felony cases in thirty years, while the city saw 499 homicides, more than New York has with five times the population. For reference, there were 351 homicides the year he took office.
Just weeks ago on December 7th, Philadelphia surpassed its record for the most homicides ever in a single year.
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