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Federal Government Spent $118k to Study if Marvel Character Could Really Snap His Fingers

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  • Source: Silverloch
  • 12/26/2022
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Rand Paul's annual “Festivus Report” has once again exposed the most bizarre government waste. 

His report this year uncovered $482 billion in total federal waste ($3,300 per federal taxpayer), the majority of which is the $475 billion spent on interest on our national debt because we don’t balance our budget. In other words, the majority of government waste accounted for in the report is money spent on literally nothing. 

Other big costs included the $1.7 billion spent maintaining empty federal buildings, $140 million in COVID relief funds that were used to construct a 11,000 square foot spa, $168 million given to the Vera Institute of Justice to help illegal aliens fight deportation, $28 million for camoflage uniforms in Afghanistan that don't match the environment, $31.5 million worth of COVID funds that were spent on luxury cars, and $4 million in grants to watch steroid-injected hamsters fight, among others, such as:

  • Over $500k training mice to binge drink alcohol.
  • $200k on a radio campaign telling drivers to stop at railroad crossings.
  • Nearly $700k studying parrot romance.
  • $2.3 million injecting 6-month-old beagle puppies with cocaine.

Arguably the most ridiculous item in Sen. Paul’s report was $118,000 allocated to study if a metal replica of the fictional Marvel character Thanos could really snap his fingers. Sen. Paul explained on the Senate floor; "They apparently hired some dude to wear metal gloves and then try to snap his fingers. You know what they found out? That it's impossible to make a snapping sound with metal fingers."

"So robots of the world be warned. It's hard to snap your fingers,” he added. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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Early Edition

Evita Duffy-Alfonso

The Nightly Scroll

Hayley Caronia