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Flip Flop? Bernie Sanders Admits Trump Is Right About the Border

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  • Source: Silverloch
  • 03/25/2025
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Bernie Sanders Admits Trump Is Right About the Border

Bernie Sanders can’t seem to make his mind up on where he stands on illegal immigration. 

While campaigning for President in 2019 he said "If you open the borders, there's a lot of poverty in this world, and you're going to have people from all over the world. And I don't think that's something that we can do at this point. Can't do it."

Yet during that same campaign, he raised his hand to say he’d support free healthcare for illegals on the debate stage. 

Fast forward to today, and he’s claiming that illegal immigration is one of the only things he agreed with President Donald Trump on. 

Speaking with Jonathan Karl on ABC’s This Week, Sanders was asked if there was anything he thought President Trump had done right. Sanders replied “I think cracking down on fentanyl, making sure our borders are stronger.”

“Look, nobody thinks illegal immigration is appropriate, and I happen to think we need comprehensive immigration reform, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for people to be coming across the border illegally,” he added.

Yet, Sanders has also complained about Trump's mass deportation plan. He wants to deport 20 million people who are in this country who are undocumented,” Sanders said. “Well, you do that, you destroy the entire country.”

“Because I got news for you, Trump’s billionaire friends are not going to pick the crops in California that feed us. They’re not going to work in meatpacking houses,” he continued. “That’s what undocumented people are doing.”

It's unclear what exactly Sanders believes - they we need all the illegals we have now, but can't take any more? Does he want them deported, but slowly? 

While no American socialists realize this, being against open borders would be the logistically consistent position for them too. The “social democratic” model that people like Sanders advocate (present in Scandinavia) requires a certain number of net taxpayers (people who pay more in taxes than they receive in services from the government) to keep the whole system afloat, and an increase of low income illegals, or legal immigrants, can easily wreck that balance. 

Sanders has cited Denmark as his model country for his economic model, and they have strict immigration laws. As one headline at Foreign Policy puts it, the “Danish Far-Left Adopted a Far-Right Immigration Policy.” A country with similar social democratic policies, Sweden, is currently in the process of changing their constitution to revoke citizenship from the non-Native born in their country. 

But who knows what Sanders really believes. 

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